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    Por: Pedro César Tebaldi em 18.06.2014

    What is the impact of network management on your business?

    Understand how network management can be critical to your systems

    The information technology department of a company is one of the most critical sectors of the business. It is through TI that all the data are controlled as well as all operations that will provide your systems with the support they need.

    Currently there is a great deal of concern with the security of those data. With almost everything done in the cloud, the risk of attacks and theft of information is something real. Thus, more and more companies have been seeking to create IT structures that can manage to keep everything organized and secure. In this context, the network management appears as a substantial factor for the success of your IT Department. Understanding how it impacts your business is paramount in order to use it efficiently. Find below all you need to know about network management. Check it Out!



    What is network management

    Network management is the control of any object that can be monitored at a physical and logical resource structure of a network and that can be distributed in multiple environments which can be close by or not. In practice, it means the management and usage of systems and methodologies that allow your networks to deliver a good quality of service, pro-activity and, mainly, integration with other processes of your business.

    Network management can be centralized, when a management center controls the whole process and decentralized, when the work is divided between those responsible in each department. A good network management usually involves a network-connected computer (Manager) that runs the management through software (called an Agent) and management protocols, whose purpose is to deliver communication mechanisms between the Manager and the Agent. As a result, we have a management database.


    What is your importance in the company’s business

    The internet has forced companies to seek alternatives to work with a very large amount of data. There was a change so large and so fast in the way users consume content that many managers were lost along the way while trying to migrate their older systems to new ones. In practice, this means connection failures and generates operation downtime which, as a consequence, means loss of money with idle professionals, uncompleted transactions, unavailable services, and unhappy customers.

    Currently, you can’t run the risk of having system lockups when closing new business. Worse than that, you can’t tolerate to have your network get slower as new customers are added. Normally, midsize and large companies have already understood that they need to quickly and securely deliver information to their end users and start to invest in network management to ensure data flow and to know exactly what goes through their network. However, even if the importance of network management is getting attention, there are still very few companies that decided to adopt it in order to anticipate the problems systematically, finding out the problems the moment they happen.

    Network management doesn’t mean a high cost to your company, on the contrary, it is a key element to avoid financial losses and damages to the company’s image with its services and processes becoming unavailable. A good tip while making investments in staff and in software is estimating costs with financial losses due to malfunction of the network. Most of the times the investments to systematically reduce network bottlenecks outweigh.

    Any questions about the impact of a good network management in your business? Visit our post with tips for a more efficient network management!



    Pedro César Tebaldi

    Atua há 10 anos no mercado B2B de tecnologia da informação como gerente de marketing, tendo escrito mais de 500 artigos sobre tecnologia durante esse período. Também é responsável pela área de Business Intelligence da OpServices, que presta consultoria para médias e grandes empresas em todo o Brasil.

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