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Por: Pedro César Tebaldi em 13.03.2018

AWS: How Amazon Web Services Works?

The use of cloud computing is consolidated in several companies as a powerful ally to streamline responses to several market demands. In order to make this usage with agility and high performance, the IT manager must define an effective strategy, where workers can use a service platform with high availability, performance, high data processing power and that is scalable. In this regard, no company stands out as much as Amazon Web Services or AWS.

In addition to its own services, Amazon AWS also has a marketplace where it offers third party platforms to compose its services. OpMon, for example, our IT infrastructure monitoring platform, is at Amazon’s marketplace.


Amazon Web Services – AWS

Also referred to as Amazon AWS, its cloud computing services have already helped companies worldwide to have at their disposal a flexible and reliable cloud computing platform. Its main innovative factor is the frequent addition of new resources. Over 500 tools were incorporated to the platform only in 2015, expanding its uses and versatility.

Do you want to know which are the most important? Then check our list below!


Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a high scalability data hosting service. Despite its simple interface, the IT manager has control over the manner the resources are contracted and managed. Whenever it is necessary, the computing environment can be modified to meet the demands of the company, reducing the time required to meet market demands.

In addition, EC2 has auto scaling, which will modify the quantity of resources automatically contracted during demand peaks. Along with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), which improves the distribution of data traffic dynamically, this feature makes the services simpler and more reliable.


Amazon Route 53

The DNS service of Amazon, Route 53, makes the management of web applications and services simpler and more effective. Developers find in it a flexible solution, capable of meeting the main challenges of continuous distribution of applications via Internet. In addition, Amazon Route 53 is fully compatible with IPv6, the new IPs standard of the web.

Amazon Route 53 uses algorithms that direct traffic between several server instances the best way possible. By always providing the users with the best endpoints available, the company ensures the best possible service.


Amazon S3

Data management is a growing challenge in companies that integrate their work flows to IT tools. In this regard, Amazon S3 may be used to manage data storage services according to the type of information that is being stored, optimizing resources and IT governance processes.

Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service on demand that may be adopted in several environments. Applications that have intensive use of information, for example, may use Amazon S3 Standard. On the other hand, records that not much used may be directed to Amazon Glacier, reducing data maintenance costs.


Amazon DynamoDB

For people who work with databases, Amazon DynamoDB may be adopted in databases that require very low latency and high performance. Easy to configure, with high scalability and low cost, DynamoDB provides the company with a set of complex resources, which optimize the performance of NoSQL databases to the maximum. And by replicating information synchronously, the user will never lose important data!



Pedro César Tebaldi

Atuei por 10 anos no mercado B2B de tecnologia da informação como gerente de marketing, tendo escrito mais de 500 artigos sobre tecnologia durante esse período. Hoje sou líder do time de dados, dentro da área de Business Intelligence da OpServices, prestando consultoria para grandes empresas em todo o Brasil.

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