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Por: Pedro César Tebaldi em 11.08.2017

IT Outsourcing: Understand when it’s worth doing it

it outsourcing

IT outsourcing is a subject that is in great evidence in the market. It involves hiring a technology service provider — such as Service Desk, NOC (Network Operations Center) or a system developer, for example — which shall handle a specific process. In this way, your company is free to fully focus on the main activities of the business itself. In some cases, the entire IT team can be outsourced, but this is the least common case found in the market.

There are risks in outsourcing IT, just as there is in almost every activity in the business world. Therefore, it takes a lot of study and a thorough analysis on the appropriate time to make that decision, as this solution may or may not be appropriate, depending on the company profile.

Choosing a partner focused on mutual growth is also extremely important to stay competitive. In addition, it is necessary to have some controls that shall optimize the service provided and ensure that it can be performed as expected. Find some reasons to invest in IT outsourcing in the next few topics!


Reasons to invest in IT outsourcing

Even with IT actively participating in the company’s strategic areas, outsourcing it or at least some part of it has become a good option. Unlike the paradigm that existed in the past — when only business services totally divergent would be delegated to third parties, such as cleaning and transportation, for example — now any area that is not part of the organization’s core can benefit from adopting this practice.

Many achievements are reached — such as innovation and sustainability — when outsourcing IT. The market exponential growth is proof of this because when the company concentrates only on its greater purposes, it achieves a previously unthinkable level of quality. But this is not achieved by any kind of outsourcing, rather in total focus on the company’s business.

Outsourcing the IT infrastructure service in the past would be unthinkable. Today it is a reality. Small- and medium-sized businesses have greatly benefited from it and today even big companies have begun migrating to the cloud. An example are the various computer services offered by Amazon Web Services.

To follow this tide and make the most coherent decision, it is necessary to have medium and long term plans set up. Having a certain stability in the environment and a lot of knowledge about technological capabilities and needs is also something that increases the chances of success of this endeavor.

Let us describe some of the greatest benefits gained when outsourcing is the decision made:


Increased productivity

The contracted company’s specialization in providing its type of service and the total dedication to this purpose bring perceptible improvements of quality and speed in delivery. This leads to an immediate increase in productivity — and even more, as the partnership synergy expands.


Cost reduction

This is undoubtedly one of the biggest advantages of outsourcing IT. If there is no team of its own, there is no need to worry about economic measures that may even end up causing losses. One example is hiring low-wage and low-experience professionals. The cost reduction of IT outsourcing emerges as a huge ally for the company as it focuses its services on specific activities.

It is a high cost to keep professionals specialized in the field of technology. When the company opts for outsourcing, it gets rid of the obligations and burdens of having these professionals as direct employees. A database specialist, for example, can provide services to various companies. This allows gaining scale and reducing costs for companies hiring them.


Focus on core business

If it is no longer necessary to manage areas beyond the organizational main activities, effort, money and time can be directed to the company’s core and mission. This creates an environment much more conducive to more efficient ideas that add value to the business.


Quality of service

The service provided quality increases when a company has specialized professionals working on solutions. In addition, it is possible to implement several good practices that help in continuous improvement of the area — such as DevOps, for example.

The advantages of opting for IT outsourcing are perceptible in the eyes of managers and directors, as they empower the business and help the company achieve its vision for the future and successfully fulfill its mission. Care needs to be taken and current internal and external scenarios must be very well analyzed. However, when this is done with competence and clarity, the company can enjoy what technology brings best.

However, not everything is a bed of roses! There are many challenges to overcome in order to carry out IT outsourcing. In addition, there are many suppliers with a low level of quality that shall not contribute to the growth of your company. Therefore, it is important to always be careful when making a decision that shall have a strong impact on your company’s processes.

In the industry in which OpServices operates, IT infrastructure management, there are two options we offer to our clients: hiring our solution for internal use or hiring one of our partners that provide NOC services. In this way, monitoring the infrastructure and the management of resources and updates are carried out by a specialist provider.



Pedro César Tebaldi

Atuei por 10 anos no mercado B2B de tecnologia da informação como gerente de marketing, tendo escrito mais de 500 artigos sobre tecnologia durante esse período. Hoje sou líder do time de dados, dentro da área de Business Intelligence da OpServices, prestando consultoria para grandes empresas em todo o Brasil.

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