Conheça o benefício dos dashboards
In the corporate world, the strategic decision-making must be based on a correct analysis of data and information. These information must be collected and centralized in a secure and practical manner, in order to facilitate the management of the business. The dynamics governing the market changes, influenced by economic and political measures and by new legal regulations, require internal processes to be increasingly agile, otherwise the company can lose space for competition.
In this context, it is possible to notice that reports, charts and spreadsheets are not always sufficient to meet this urgent need for critical and articulated analysis. Thus, dashboards can be a very interesting tool for viewing data, making the monitoring of indicators and of the main projects of the company a lot easier. In today’s post you will learn a few benefits of using dashboards in projects. Let’s begin?
With a dashboard you can centralize information from various systems and various spreadsheets in a single view with real-time data accessible to everyone responsible!
How dashboards can benefit your company’s projects
Dashboards are visual panels, or a centralized view, which organize data in order to allow a broader view of all aspects involved in a project, such as technical and financial issues, schedules and interdependencies. Thus, dashboards are transformed into an important solution for efficient management, because they provide immediate information for the entire team. With visual resources that are easy to understand, they allow the interaction and updating of all professionals involved. If a project has some kind of control on any type of system, it can have its information displayed in dashboards.
The adoption of dashboards provides a number of benefits for the company, allowing the optimization of internal routines, in order to facilitate all the management of the business. Check some of the following benefits:
1. Optimization of the decision-making process
Dashboards properly centralize all important information about the projects, such as planned internships, available resources, planned activities and delivery times. This allows for a more comprehensive view of the situation, considering the variables that can influence the final result. Based on these data, it is possible to make decisions in a more agile and efficient way, drastically reducing the chance of errors and losses.
2. Reduction of the operation risks
Com os dashboards, as informações são devidamente organizadas, atualizadas e distribuídas, permitindo a detecção antecipada de riscos que ocasionalmente passam despercebidos durante a elaboração do projeto. Dessa forma, é possível definir ações para minimizar a gravidade ou o impacto desses riscos.
3. Participation, integration and collaborative development
Dashboards make it easier to have an integrated participation of the work teams. With this resource, it’s easy to see a greater involvement of those professionals who actually commit themselves to the objectives defined for the project. It is a way to enhance the senses of collectivity and the responsibility of the company.
4. Optimizing time and resources
The use of dashboards collaborates for the optimization of daily routines. With it, the time spent on manual and complex activities, such as updating spreadsheets and reports, is reduced, allowing those resources to be directed to the most relevant tasks and that have a real importance to the company.
5. Trend review
Through the data gathered in the dashboards, you can evaluate positive and negative tendencies of the outcome of your project and each of your indicators. In this way, it becomes easier to act on necessary corrections and eliminate bottlenecks.
6. Strategic alignment
The integration of all information of a project and the clear view of its progress provide conditions for a more effective and agile management, that is able to quickly align strategies, actions and decisions. Dashboards can simplify the whole process and data flow, reducing paperwork and adding value.
7. Results-focused culture and participation
This tool also reinforces an organizational culture focused on performance and productivity, besides facilitating internal communication and promoting the participation and engagement of employees.
Do you want to know more about the benefits that dashboards can bring to your company’s projects? Check out can collaborate for decision-making and their advantages while analyzing indicators. OpMon Dashboards is the tool we developed which allows the creation of dashboards to view monitored business indicators.