Know the problem before your customers does!
As a manager or responsible from your e-commerce website how do you know when something goes wrong ? Only when your sales drops ? When you customers call or send email complaining about your services ? This is a reactive attitude and can cause serious damages to your business. But how can you be more proactive and respond faster to problems ?
OpCEM is the OpService’s solution to help you to address these issues monitoring the response time and availability of your e-commerce platform from a real user perspective. OpCEM execute remote robots that simulate all steps of your e-commerce application. Since the moment your customer land in your website through the final payment and deliver of the goods. OpCEM monitors the application response time of each step and send alerts in case of problems or delays. Then you can report these problems to your IT staff for fast recovery, being proactive and acting as a team to give your customers the best e-commerce experience.
OpCEM is a solution focused in your customer’s experience and not in your IT developer’s team. It gives your real time informations abot the status of your online business. OpCEM’s is not ment to be a debugger tool for your application developer’s team, but instead, our focus is to be on your customers side. We are concerned about your business and not focused in the technical issues. Know the problem before your customers does!