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Por: Pedro César Tebaldi em 12.11.2013

View KPIs for your business through manageable dashboards

Much is talked within companies about anticipating the problems, but do you really know how to do this? With the volume of information we are exposed to, it is vital to know how to filter what is most important for decision making. Today it is possible to find information in real time from anywhere in the world, generating reports about the performance of the company or even the competitors.



But the decision makers have time to absorb all this information?

Most often the answer is no. However, with the concept of the OpMon Dashboardsit is possible to minimize this problem. The most relevant information about the infrastructure or business process KPIs can be displayed on LCD screens scattered throughout the company.

Dashboard Indústria

It was in thinking of that market with great potential that OpServices has developed the OpMon Dashboards. The solution allows the creation and editing of executive dashboards, in an easy and intuitive manner, allowing OpMon users to give a wider visibility of the status of business processes and IT services by means of LCD screens, which can be easily understood by managers from other areas and thus facilitate the flow of strategic information for the business within companies.

Dahsboard Operacao por região

What is the value of the control panels with indicators based on monitored items of IT infrastructure and business processes for making decisions in real time? For our customers this represents a major competitive advantage!


The main problems that can be solved by viewing business dashboards in OpMon:

  • Lack of visibility of IT;
  • Low self-esteem of the area;
  • Users calling to complain about applications that do not work;
  • IT wasting time on problems that are not severe;
  • Little integration with other areas;
  • IT without potential to generate new business.


Request more information about dashboards



Pedro César Tebaldi

Atuei por 10 anos no mercado B2B de tecnologia da informação como gerente de marketing, tendo escrito mais de 500 artigos sobre tecnologia durante esse período. Hoje sou líder do time de dados, dentro da área de Business Intelligence da OpServices, prestando consultoria para grandes empresas em todo o Brasil.

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