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Does your company manage and monitor business indicators?

The Enterprise Business Management is a technology package of high added value offered for companies that see IT as an strategic area to the business. The solution contains platform and service, based on the knowledge acquired by OpServices in ten years of technology development and services provided for market leading companies. The implementation of the solution and the consultancy service contain three execution phases. The result is business indicators, through dashboards, visible to all areas within the organization. The commercialization is made according to the number of mapped processes.



  • Improve the business processes critical to the company;/li>
  • Follow-up the business in real time;
  • Increase the integration between the areas.


  • Increase of the availability of resources, greater efficiency, and cost reduction;
  • View of the critical business processes in business dashboards;
  • Improvement of the service offered to the client;
  • Application of ITIL approach proper to Brazilian reality;
  • It is the most efficient manner of following up your business in real time.


Forecasting problems is much discussed within companies, but do you really know how to handle it?

With the edition module of Dashboards of OpMon, it is possible to visualize the health of the business strategic indicators. The most relevant information on the infrastructure or KPIs of business processes may be visualized on screens or monitors spread across the company. Such indicators may be easily understood by the managers of other areas and, thus, they facilitate the flow of information strategic to the business within the companies. The result is that the decisions become more grounded, faster, and with less risk of mistakes.